Using Scala for something I’d normally using a “scripting” language for

From time to time, some repetitive task comes up that I can do quicker by writing a script to do it than to do it manually. Especially if it’s something I may be needing to do again in the future.

Usually I’d turn to a “scripting” language like Python, Groovy, or back in the day, Perl for this type of thing.

Today such a need came up, and I decided to try tackling it with Scala since it has many of the features that make the above dynamic languages good for this:

  • first-class support for map and list data structures
  • an interactive shell
  • minimal overhead to write a program, compile, and run it
  • support for functional programming
  • good regular expression support

The problem:
A small performance test program ran a large number of tests, and measured the elapsed time for each execution. The program output a line like “request completed in 10451 msecs” for each test. I needed to parse the output, collect the elapsed time measurements, and get some basic statistics on them; simple average, minimum, and maximum.

I used a Scala 2.8 snapshot, and fleshed out the code using the Scala interactive shell. First, define a value with the raw output to be processed:

scala> val rawData = """request completed in 10288 msecs
     | request completed in 10321 msecs
     | request completed in 10347 msecs
     | request completed in 10451 msecs
     | request completed in 10953 msecs
     | request completed in 11122 msecs
... hundreds of lines ...
     | request completed in 11672 msecs"""

The above uses Scala’s support for multi-line string literals.

The next thing I needed to do was parse the above output, using a regular expression to extract just the milliseconds. There’s several ways to create a regular expression in Scala. This is the one I like:

val ReqCompletedRE = """\s*request completed in (\d+) msecs"""r

There’s a bit of magic in how the above string literal actually ends up becoming a regular expression. There’s an implicit conversion in the Scala Predef object which turns a Java String into a RichString. RichString provides a ‘r’ method that returns a regular expression object. The members of the Predef object are automatically imported into every Scala module, so the Scala compiler will attempt to apply any conversions it finds in Predef when trying to resolve the ‘r’ method. So the above expression is creating a RichString from a String via an implicit conversion, then calling the ‘r’ method on it, which returns the regular expression.

To apply the regular expression to a line of the output and to extract the milliseconds, we can use an expression like:

scala> val ReqCompletedRE(msecs) = " request completed in 10451 msecs"
msecs: String = 10451

msecs gets bound to the first group in the regular expression (the part that matches (\d+)). This takes place via the Scala extractors feature – the scala regular expression class defines an extractor which extracts the grouping results.

The next step is to iterate over the lines of the output, extract the milliseconds, and turn the results into a list.

scala> val msecsVals = { line => val ReqCompletedRE(msecs) = line; Integer.parseInt(msecs);} toList
res11: List[Int] = List(10288, 10321, 10347, 10451, 10953, 11122, ..., 11672)

The above code is using the RichString lines, method, along with Scala closures.

Finally, to get the simple statistics:

scala> (msecsVals.sum / msecsVals.length, msecsVals.min, msecsVals.max)
res21: (Int, Int, Int) = (10736,10288,11672)

Putting the whole script together:

val ReqCompletedRE = """\s*request completed in (\d+) msecs"""r
val msecsVals = { line => val ReqCompletedRE(msecs) = line; Integer.parseInt(msecs);} toList
(msecsVals.sum / msecsVals.length, msecsVals.min, msecsVals.max)
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2 Responses to Using Scala for something I’d normally using a “scripting” language for

  1. What version of Scala did you use? Scala 2.9.2 has StringOps and WrappedString in place of RichString.
    The confusion I have in mind is: When I looked at the API for both StringOps and WrappedString, I found the ‘r’ method defined in both classes. So, when the compiler sees both implicits in the Predef object and it also determines the presence of the r method in both places, what version of the method does it invoke? and why? The one in StringOps or the one in WrappedClass. Both versions return a Regex. Am I missing something so obvious here?
    Thanks in advance for your answers.

  2. ron says:

    I was using 2.8 snapshot. I haven’t worked with StringOps and WrappedString. Your comment made me curious as to why the same operation (regexp conversion) would be in two classes. It looks like the difference between the two is:

    The difference between this class and WrappedString is that calling transformer methods such as filter and map will yield a String object, whereas a WrappedString will remain a WrappedString

    As far as which will be used when doing a String implicit conversion using the ‘r’ operation, I took a look at the current docs on Predef, and LowPriorityImplicits, which it extends. LowPriorityImplicits only has a single unwrapString implicit conversion:
    implicit def
    wrapString(s: String): WrappedString

    So it looks like it’ll use the WrappedString class.

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